Everything you need to know about Knitvent 2024


Whether you’re a seasoned Knitvent enthusiast or a curious newcomer, I’m thrilled to welcome you to this year’s adventure in holiday knitting. Knitvent 2024 is all about embracing freshness, creating new traditions, and unleashing your creativity, but the basics will be familiar to anyone who’s joined in previous years. 

So here are my best answers to all the questions I’ve ever been asked about Knitvent so far. 

Q. How can I prepare for Knitvent?

You don’t need to do much at all to get ready: everything you need to know will be in each pattern. But I am a planner at heart myself, so I understand the urge! Getting things ready is part of the fun.

So here are my best tips for a fabulous Knitvent season:

Pre-order your copy of the collection

I know this is basic, but if you can grab it during the early bird period, you’re off to a great start! I get emails every year from knitters who missed the sale…it’s so easy to put it off, especially when we’re all so busy.


Preorder now on Ravelry

Preorder now on Gumroad


Set up a project page for the first Knitvent 2024 pattern, Vignette

If you’ll be participating on Ravelry, this is a fab way to track your progress, build excitement, and contribute to the community spirit! You can post pictures of your yarn choices, inspiration photos, or just use one of the Knitvent images below as a placeholder until the reveal. 

It is also one step of entering the upcoming Knitvent 2024 giveaway! (more details on that soon!)

Every new pattern page really helps me out by making Knitvent easier to find for new knitters! (Giving the pattern a heart/favourite is another lovely way to help, if you have a minute! ❤️)


Start your yarn pondering

This is my FAVOURITE part of preparing for any new project. Picking out yarn is one of my greatest pleasures. 

Will you treat yourself to brand new skeins? Are you in love with some of the sample yarns? Do you want to knit everything from stash this year? 

You can find all the yarn details for the upcoming patterns on our Yarn Spoiler post here to help you plan. 


Swatch…if you really want to

Gauge isn’t crucial for any of the Knitvent patterns. That’s on purpose! Partly because gift-knitting is so much easier when you don’t have to worry about fit, and partly because I want these patterns to be relaxing comfort knitting for you. 

But some knitters love knitting swatches! And it can be an absorbing creative exercise, playing with different colour pairings and fibres, trying out different yarn and needle combinations, seeing how you like the fabric they create. If you’re thinking of taking some risks or trying new things this season (highly encouraged!) swatching your yarn can give you an extra boost of confidence.

I’ve given gauge information for the first, big “advent calendar” design if you want to get started: details are on the yarn post under “Window #1”


Think about what “fresh” means to you

The Knitvent theme each year is just a jumping-off point for our inspiration. Some knitters love jumping into the theme wholeheartedly, while others just do their own thing. Both are wonderful approaches!

If you are inspired by the Fresh theme for 2024, it could be fun to daydream and journal about what it means to you, and how you might express that in your knitting and creative practice this season. Make a pinterest board of images that feel fresh to you. Toss your stash and look at familiar skeins in a fresh light. Visit your local yarn store with fresh eyes and see what you discover. 


Join the Curious Crew Email List

If you’re not already signed up, now’s the perfect time! My email list is a lovely place, with plenty of surprises and treats, peeks behind the scenes. creative ponderings to spark your own creativity, and the very freshest Curious Handmade news.


Just click here to sign up!


Introduce yourself in the Ravelry Group or on Instagram

Community participation is totally optional, but it really is the best way to get the most out of Knitvent. 

For more than a decade, the Curious Handmade Ravelry group has been an amazing resource and the heart of the Curious Crew community. Moderated by my beloved friend and expert knitter Deb, @tinkhickman, it is a truly friendly, welcoming place where you can pop in for advice or encouragement any time. 

We’ll have discussion and KAL threads for each pattern of the season, a giveaway, and general camaraderie right through the season.

Join the group here

If Ravelry isn’t your thing, you can still participate in the Knitvent buzz on Instagram! Tag @curioushandmade when you post, and include the hashtag #Knitvent2024 so that we can see what you’re working on and cheer you along the way!


Subscribe to the Curious Handmade YouTube channel

Find helpful tutorials and a few cosy vlogs along the way to keep you company on your Knitvent journey.

Click here to watch my helpful knitting videos!


Lean into the adventure with trust and confidence in yourself! 

There’s no pressure or perfectionism here. We can learn anything we need to know along the way. Knitvent isn’t just about patterns—it’s about potential. It’s about the knitters we become and the joy we create, and about surprising ourselves in so many delightful ways.


Q. How do I join Knitvent 2024?

It’s simple! Purchase the Knitvent 2024 Collection on Ravelry or Gumroad, and you’re in. Join the conversation in the Curious Handmade Ravelry Group and share your creations using #Knitvent2024 on Instagram.


Q. What’s the cost?

The Early Bird price is £11.50 until October 24th, over 40% off the regular price of £19.00. This includes all six patterns in the collection. (Note: Prices may vary due to applicable VAT in your country.)


Q. Is the price for the whole collection or for each pattern?

The price includes the whole collection!


Q. How many patterns are included?

There are six patterns in the Knitvent 2024 collection.


Q. I only see one pattern in the collection, though?

Right now there is one placeholder pattern for the presale period. Each week from November 7th, a new pattern (or two!) will appear on Ravelry or Gumroad as the designs are revealed. 


Q. When will the first pattern be available?

The first pattern comes out November 7th. Then I’ll release either one or two new patterns each week until Thursday, December 5th.


Q. How will I access the patterns?

Patterns will be automatically sent to you each week. Check your Ravelry library or messages if you purchased there, or look for email notifications if you bought through Gumroad.


Q. If the patterns are mysteries, how will I know what yarn I need?

You can find yarn spoilers for the collection at this link, but feel free to substitute and play with unexpected combinations. Embracing the spirit of freshness and creativity, we encourage you to experiment! Knitvent patterns make great stash-busters. 


Q. I’ve heard about a yarn advent calendar pattern. Do I need to get a calendar to make it?

Not at all! I design these patterns to work with scraps from your stash, or with a couple of single skeins, or even all in one colour. We’ve had plenty of members do just that for previous “advent calendar” patterns, with lovely results.

You can also consider making your own calendar mini sets from stash yarn or exchanging with a friend or two: I’ve done both, and it’s a lovely excuse to play with lots of yarn! I put together a PDF guide to help you make your own, which you can get here. I also made a video a little while back where I share some tips on making your yarn advent calendar. You can find the video here on my YouTube Channel and links to items mentioned can be found in the accompanying blog post

This year, we’re reimagining the advent calendar concept. While you can use a traditional yarn calendar, we’ll provide creative alternatives that align with our theme of new traditions. 


Q. I’m really busy this time of year: is there a strict timeline for finishing the patterns?

Absolutely not! Knitvent is about finding joy in the process. It’s a strictly NO PRESSURE zone. While we have a KAL with prizes that runs into the New Year, the real goal is to nurture your creativity and find moments of peace in your crafting. 


Q. What if the patterns are too advanced for me?

Don’t worry! Our patterns range from adventurous beginner to intermediate. This year, we’re focusing on techniques that feel fresh and exciting but are accessible with some patience and practice. 

That means that if you’ve got the basics of knitting down (knit, purl, knit two together, yarn over) and you’re willing to try out unfamiliar stitches if and when they come up (and be patient with yourself while you’re learning) you can absolutely do this! 

I’ve designed these patterns to look impressive while being simple and comforting to knit, whether you’re brand new or not. If there’s anything unusual in a pattern, I’ll make sure to explain it thoroughly, and provide resources where I can. And remember, you’re never on your own. One of the best things about the Curious Crew is how generous and helpful they are.

The Curious Handmade Ravelry Group is one of the nicest communities on the internet (I know I’m biased, but it is.) and with members all around the world and across many time zones, it’s a bustling, busy place full of inspiration and kindness. If you’re ever stuck or confused about a pattern you’re knitting or an event you’re considering, there’s always someone ready to jump in with answers, advice, and solutions.

And you can also always email us at support@curioushandmade.com if you need us, but please be patient: there’s only one lovely human behind that email address, and especially at busy times it might take us a little while to reply.


Join Us in Creating New Traditions

Knitvent 2024 is more than just a collection of patterns – it’s an invitation to refresh your approach to holiday knitting and craft traditions that truly resonate with you. Whether you’re looking to bust your stash in creative ways, explore new techniques, or simply carve out some peaceful knitting time, there’s something here for everyone.

Ready to embark on this journey of fresh creativity and new traditions? Grab your copy of the Knitvent 2024 collection now.


Preorder now on Ravelry

Preorder now on Gumroad


Happy knitting!

Helen x

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