A brand new FO is the best feeling! In this video episode, I’m sharing my newest, the Piosa Cardigan, which was designed by Renée Callahan of East London Knit.
Join me for stories of sleeve island, button indecision, and all the little knitty gritty detail of this lovely long time WIP turned favourite cardie.
Video Links
Patten is the Píosa Cardigan (#piosacardigan) by Renée Callahan of East London Knit
( @eastlondonknit on Instagram and Renee Callahan on YouTube)
Buttons are by Button Mania / @buttonmaniac on Instagram
Yarn is Cashmerino Worsted in Rose Gold by Sweet Fiber Yarns /@sweetfiber on Instagram
Thanks to my daughter Sophie for her help with filming and editing
Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel; I’m hoping to add more videos as the year goes on