free gift knitting planner
Making presents is one of the great joys of the season, but it can be a challenge to get it all done in time. So often our hearts are bigger than our schedules can manage!
So I’ve created this lovely PDF planner to help you figure out how many handmade gifts you’ll have time to knit this year. You can get clear on what you’re making, how long it’s going to take, and what to do if you’re running out of days ’til the big day.
Make your list
Calculate your time
Get inspired
Decide who’s knitworthy this year, what you’re going to make, what yarn you’re going to use, and how long you think it’s going to take.
Use the Curious Handmade Gift Knitting Calculator to check how optimistic your plans are and where you might need to adjust.
Get in the gift-knitting spirit with a community of like-minded makers, with fun knitalongs and special events leading up to the holidays.
Make this gift knitting season
the most relaxed one yet!
Making gifts for the people you love should be joyful, not stressful.
This free full-colour PDF planner will help your organise your gift knitting projects so that you can relax and enjoy the process.
Hi, I'm Helen Stewart
I’m a knitwear designer and the host of the Curious Handmade Knitting podcast. Around this time every year, we knitters start to think about what to make the most knit-worthy people in our lives. It’s gift knitting season!
Knitters have generous hearts, but while you’re planning what you’re going to make for your friends and family, don’t put yourself under too much pressure.
We’ve all been there, spending late nights frantically knitting up to the last minute, sheepishly wrapping up half-finished gifts and IOU notes…but it doesn’t have to be that way.
This handy planner will help keep you organised and on-track for a season of joyful gifting.
Join the Curious Crew of
knitters who love to learn
Most knitting happens in solitary, quiet moments, but there’s so much joy to be found in sharing your process and projects with other like-minded makers! You’ll discover daily encouragement, advice, and praise from the sweetest group of knitters I’ve ever met: the Curious Crew. We have a gentle, encouraging newsletter, regular knitalong events, a bunch of busy Instagram hashtags, and our own Ravelry group where you can ask questions, show off your work-in-progress and finished shawls, and make some lifelong knitting friends.