So, an all-mini, all-scrappy theme for Knitvent 2022 is a lot of fun, but the only downside to using lots of little bits of yarn is all the ends you have to weave in after.
Unless you know the magic trick.
The magic knot.
It’s a genius technique for invisibly and securely joining two yarns together with no weaving in necessary.
I’ve made a very quick and easy to follow tutorial video for you, just in case you need an introduction or a refresher…
I hope you find it as helpful as I have. It’s invisible, saves so much time, and really does feel like magic when you get the hang of it!
Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel; I’m working hard to try to add more videos and at this early stage on YouTube, every single view, like and subscription helps me so much and helps new knitters find me.
Knitvent 2022 on Ravelry
Knitvent 2022 on Gumroad